Hi there. My name is Jessie, and I totally suck at running.
Practically my whole life, I've hated the idea of running, but I've always envied those people who seem to love it. Finally, I decided that maybe if I "wogged" (my version between a walk and a jog), I wouldn't hate running so much.
I decided after finishing law school--which rendered me pretty much exercise withdrawn for 3 years--I would set out to accomplish what seems like the impossible feat: I will run a marathon. Yup. Don't know how it's all going to work out, but that's my goal.
The thing is, though, whenever I look at runners magazines, I become so deflated at the fact that there are no stories about truly average people attaining such a goal. Everyone in those mags is already super fit. They've run god knows how many marathons; their goals are to run their next one faster.
Not only that, but do any of these runners have jobs? Like, real jobs? I work all the time at a law firm and just don't feel like I would even have the time to dedicate to, say, a 100-mile week... let alone a 6-mile one.
I thought: AHHHH! There's simply NO outlet for an average person like me to talk about the REAL struggles of running. The physical. The mental. The emotional. Hell, the financial.
So, I've created what I felt was missing. This is the truly average person's blog about her attempt to run. I'm an average age (31), with likely average body fat; I work more than the average number of hours in a week. So, the question will be: can I make this thing happen? The implication is: if I can, so can you! :D
I'll be posting videos at least weekly about my successes and failures. Come join me. We can do this.